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25 August 2003
Pubs Already Using New Licensing Act
A number of pubs in the Dublin area have increased the age limit in their pubs to over 21's in light of the new Intoxicating Liquor Act. Oliver St.John Gogartys (Pub Details is the first pub in the Temple Bar area to increase it's age limit to over 21's after nine o'clock while all it's doormen have been talked to about the new act and laws.
Meanwhile, publicans have welcomed the new act saying it gives them greater power on who to serve in their establishment.

The Submarine Up for Auction
One of Dublin's and indeed Ireland's most popular and famous pubs is to be put up for auction next month and is expected to fetch €15 million. The Submarine Bar Pub Details is one of Ireland's biggest pubs and was the 'unofficial' home of the Irish supporters during the World Cup during which over 10,000 pints served on one day. The pub was completely done up in 1999 when corporate boxes were put in for those wishing to avail of it's hospitaliy and the current owners reckon it's one of, if not the only pub in Ireland with five lifts.

20 August 2003
Pub Sales Increase
The first seven months of 2003 recordeded 19 pubs being sold in the Dublin area. This is only 1 short of the total for 2002. The projected sales of pubs is reckoned to reach the high twenties before the year is out. After a couple of years of uncertainty, stability is apparently coming back to the market.
Prices now being paid are in the region of between two and two-and-a-half times net sales in the pubs. However some well know pubs have exceed this unofficial rule of thumb.
The Kestrel (Pub Details) was sold for €7.4 million earlier in the year while more recently The Queens in Dalkey (Pub Details) fetched €7 million.
It is also noticed that the governments desire to introduce the smoking ban (and indeed the new laws) does not seem to be deterring pub buyers.

19 August 2003
New Liquor Licensing Act Starts Today
Read all about it below.

Smoking Ban Will Not Lead to Job Losses
A recent survey by Tourism Ireland has found that the smoking ban will not lead to job losses or a downturn in tourism. The survey questioned major travel companies in the UK, the US and Germany.
Five travel companies in the UK were questioned and 3 of the 5 said there would be no change in bookings for visits to Ireland, while the US travel companies said that more and more people are looking for non-smoking holidays.
On an addtional note, Ireland is the first country in the world to bring in a country wide smoking ban.

15 August 2003
Here Comes the Liqour Licensing Law
From this Monday coming the new Liquor Licensing Law comes into effect and with it comes a few changes to drinking in Dublin.

  • Happy Hours are to be banned.
  • Under 20's must carry ID at all times or they will be refused admission to pubs.
  • Publicans can be fined €1500 for serving drunk punters, letting intoxicated people into bars or allowing fights and rows on premises.
  • Patrons can be fined €300 for attempting to entering pubs when drunk.
  • Non-uniformed Gardai (police) are given greater power to enforce the new laws
  • Owners cannot offer any form of music or entertainment during the 30 minutes of drink up time
  • Pubs could face temporary closure from next Monday if they break the licensing laws
  • Closing time will revert back to 11.30 on Thursdays from September 29

Young People and Bars
It has been announced that from 29th September new laws (by Michael McDowell) about young people and bars will kick in.
They will give pub owners power to kick out all under 18s at any time and they must eject them by 9pm.
And under 15s may also be told to leave if the owner thinks their health is in danger

New Laws for Discrimination Cases
People who have been refused entry to a pub must now take their complaint to the District Court instead of the Equality Tribunal.

Minister McDowell's Comments on New Laws
After long vowing to crack down on the scourge of drink-related violence Minister McDowell stated: "Everybody rightly expects me to be radical and imaginative in tackling the mindless violence that so often goes with this drinks culture.
"Everybody wants action as a matter of urgency and everybody expects that action to be decisive."

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