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'Fat Frogs' Are Crazy
Top Irish Doctor, Dr James Stacey of the Associationof General Practioneers said yesterday
that the Fat Frog Cocktail is a recipe for disaster and 'extremely worrying' because of the
high alcohol content. Dr. Stacy told the Irish Mirror: "This drink is very wrong and very bad
for anyone who drinks it. Mixing these drinks together in the one glass is definitely not
recommended and certainly not for anyone who drinks in moderation. It's crazy."
The Fat Frog is the latest craze amongst young drinkers and is a mixture of Smirnoff Ice,
Bacardi Breezer and Blue WKD in a pint glass.
Dr. Stacy continued: "The modern drinking trend in Ireland is worrying. A new survey carried
out has revealed that the average person has eight drinks in one night. This is horrendous.
Young people are not aware of the consequences of drinking now but they will suffer in the
future. Two of these drinks (Fat Frogs) can be a harm to themselves and others. Fights can
break out and girls can get themselves in situations they might regret in the morning. I don't
know if this new craze can be stopped but it's a very worrying trend.
TD Also Slams 'Fat Frogs'
Fianna Fail Dublin North East TD Marin Brady has also slammed the Fat Frog. He said: "Fat Frogs
are capable of getting drinkers extremely intoxicated very quickly and this fad must be stopped
before it spirals out of control. The onus is on the publican to be vigilant and sensible when it
comes to serving Fat Frogs and alcopops in general.
The warnings follow the Taoiseach's call for alcopops to be dropped by publicans.
Bertie Insists Smoking Ban To Go Ahead Despite Drop in Support
Taoiseach Bertie Ahern yesterday insisted that the smoking ban will go ahead on January 1
despite a drop in public support. Mr Ahern said the move was not open to debate even though
new figures show just 52% of adults support it.
A similar poll in February revealed two-thirds of the population supported the ban. The poll
also revealed that almost half of those questioned thought fewer people would go to restaurants
and pubs because of the ban. Just 10% thought it would encourage more people to visit pubs.
The findings came as Health Minister Michael Martin travelled to the the States to see how
the ban is implemented there.
Publicans have campaigned against the move and TD Noel Davern has put forward the suggestion
that 'There is a tremendous realisation coming through to people that this is going to be
reality on January 1st. While a strong opponent of the ban, he said he did not think the ban
should be scrapped but thought a compromise should be reached to allow pubs to provide separate
smoking rooms with ventilation systems.
The LVA welcomed yesterdays findings and once again asked the Government to conside the estimated
3000 jobs which would be lost.
The Health Minister rejected claims it would damage the economy.
"Scandalous" Non-Alcohol Drink Prices
According to Martin Cowley, chief executive of the Mater Hospital an investigation
should be launched into the 'scandalous' price being charged for non-alocholic drinks in pubs.
Mr.Cowley said he supported raising the legal age for drinking alochol to 21 years and added
that pubs should provide other services other than those solely related to alcohol.
In addition he called for a rise in the tax on alcohol, similar to that on cigarettes.
Conparing the situation in Ireland to that of the rest of Europe, he said that in cafes
and bars across Europe the same amount of alcohol is not consumed because drinks such as
coffee and water are also bought.
Mr. Cowley was commenting in an Irish Medical Times Article. Previous research has shown
that one in four of those who visit an accident and emergency department during the day
or evening have alcohol induced difficulties.
Blackfort Organics Art Gallery to Close
Unfortunately the Blackfort Organic Art Gallery (Venue Details) will be shutting it doors on Sunday, 14th September. This has played host to the Gallery Gigs series that put on free shows every Thursday and Friday evening and Saturday afternoon since April this year.
To celebrate the Blackfort Gallery and the smiles it brought to people, there will be a day of festivities on Sunday 14th. It's going to be called The Wake. In keeping with the Gallery Gigs tradition it is completely free. And as is traditional with a Wake, everyone is required to wear black.
The Blackfort Organic Gallery is located on Crow Street, Temple Bar. It's right behind the Foggy Dew pub and across the way from Tante Zoe's restaurant.
This is featuring some of the best acts in Ireland today, so definitely check it out.
A Nation of Drunks
We now present the main findings of the Irish Daily Mirror's special investigation
into alcohol drinking in Ireland.
- More than 2.8 million of us - some as young as 11 - drink
- We have enough alcoholics - 75,000 - to fill a city the size of Limerick
- Workers Suffering from Hangovers take 10million sick days every year at a cost
to the econommy of €1.3billion
- One in three marriage breakdowns is caused by alcohol
- Irish teenagers are the biggest binge drinkers in the world.
- Almost 9/10 Irish Mirror Readers want checkpoints outside pubs to nab drink drivers.
- Sixty per cent of those surveyed said Irish people drink too much
- More than half said all day opening of pubs would go a long way towards solving
Ireland's spiralling drink problem. But those against said Irish people couldn't handle
such a development
- Most of the people polled don't believe that an alcopops ban woulf stop underage drinking
- Alcohol now kills twice as many people Irish people as hard drugs
- Alcohol is a major factor in three out of ten suicides.
Alcohol counsellor Rolande Anderson warned:
"We have been on a binge as a nation for the past ten years.
"Young people in particular are drinking themselves into early graves.
"If the rate they are drinking at continues we will have a serious epidemic of health and
social problems in ten years.
For further information on this topic, see the Irish Daily Mirror for Thursday Sept 4.
JD Wetherspoons Pulls Out of Dublin
UK Pub Chain JD Wetherspoon has decided to defer it's decision to locate in Dublin for the forseeable future. As a result its property at 121-122 Capel Street will be up for auction on 2 October. No reserve has been disclosed however it is expected to fetch in excess of €2 million.
70 per cent of people back Smoking Ban
A survey carried out by the Office of Tobacco Control has revealed that 70% of the
population are in favour of the smoking ban. Health Minister Micheal Martin welcomed the news
saying it reflects the increasing support for a healthier working enviroment.
Smoking Ban will cost the State €1 Billion
It has been claimed that the Smoking Ban will cost the state €1 billion. The claim was made
by leading figures in the tourism and hospitality sector. Another study by the IHIA - Irish
Hospitality Industry Alliance has claimed 64,000 jobs in Tourism will be lost. The IHIA
are still hopeful of a compromise on the ban.
Tough New Drink Driving Laws
The Minister for Transport, Seamus Brennan is to bring in tough new drink driving laws in which
motorists will be put over the limit by a single pint. The Minister is likely to reduce the drink
drive blood alcohol limit to 50mg. The Gardai will also be allowed to carry out more breath tests
under new legislation. Mr. Brennan shall be meeting with Minister McDowell, The Justice Minister
in the coming weeks to discuss his plans.
Taoiseach Confirms Smoking Ban
Bertie Ahern confirmed yesterday that the Government will go ahead with a ban on smoking in pubs.
He said, "The Government's point is that smoking in the workplace is not good. There is no compromise on that issue and what we have to do is finalise the directive and that rests with the Minister for Health to bring forward his proposal.
"The date and the other details are part of that directive and that's what we have to finally decide on.