Smoking to be Banned
The news around Dublin at the moment is that smoking is going to banned wherever
there is food served. This means you will not be able to puff on a smoke in most
pubs, well let's not fool ourselves all pubs, all restaurants and other places.
Pub Photographer
Well, it's been a while since I've posted news, but I promise I'll
try and add at least one pub related news story each week from now
on. Anyways, just read about a guy in England, South Yorkshire to
be precise who spends his time going around photographing all the pubs
in the county. Sounds like a man of our own hearts. He says he's
chronicling them all for history and he doesn't drink either. His name
is David Parry and The Sun describes him as barmy but we think he's the man.
Drunk Book
There's also a new book 'How Not To Say What You Mean' by Bob Holder
which has over 450 ways to describe being drunk from standard ones
like p***ed and legless to newer ones like chemically inconvenienced.
And before you ask we launched the A to Z of Drinking on Saturday
26th October 2002.
Dirty Staff
Finally, a disturbing new survey has found that 1 in 3 kitchen staff don't
wash their hands before preparing food. The survey was taken in hotels, restaurants,
take-aways and pubs. C'mon guys it only takes a second to wash them.

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