Revised Liquor Licensing Act
In order to curb binge drinking, underage drinking, people being drunken and disorderly -
commonly known as Ireland's Drinking problem, the government,
in it's wisdom, has decided that the following should be implemented to stop it:
- Closing time on Thursday nights brought back from 12.30am to 11.30pm.
- Under 18's to leave pubs by 8.00.
- Under-21's having to prove their age before being served.
- Increased penalties for pubs owners who sell drinks to someone who is drunk.
- Music will not be allowed during the 30 minute drink up time.
- Stop Publicans from allowing 'drunkenness in the bar of licensed premises.
- Drunks who try to enter pubs after being thrown out can be fined €500
- Gardai to be given new powers to go into pubs without warrants.
- Teenages with false ID could be fined up to €500.
- Those caught selling drink to minors face big fines and could lose their license.
- A wider use of temporary closure orders.
Publicans have welcomed the new legislation and a spokesman for the Vintners Federation of
Ireland said, "We are pleased the Minister supports our call for a mandatory ID system to
help curb underage drinking. We also welcome the ban of practices likely to lead to binge
The Fastest Guinness Drinker in the World
A 34 year old Irish American, living in Moynalty, Co.Meath has been declared the fasted
Guinness drinker in the world and will be entered in the Guinness Book of Records as
the fasted porter drinker in the world. Patrick Carelli downed 2 pints of Guinness in just
6.6 seconds. He now wants to break the record for three pints. He gets sponsored for drinking
the pints and raises money for Temple Street Children's Hospital.
Club To Try Turn Down The Volume
The West Bar (Details) in Blanchardstown is facing objections
to it's Dance License as the loud music is causing disturbance to nearby residents. The case
however has been adjourned at The West has recently installed a new sound system aimed at
tackling the problem. However it needs to be calibrated and tested. The case is adjourned
until 17 July to allow further discussions to take place between the companys noise expert,
the local council expert and residents.
Expensive Dublin
New research shows that Dublin is the third most expensive capital city (of 15) in the EU.
The Government has accounted for up ro 40pc of consumer price inflation which pushed Ireland
up the eurozone cost of living table - pubs and restaurants accounted for nearly 30pc of the
increases - drinkers and smokers won't be surprised to hear that our booze and fags are the
most expensive in the eurozone.
Pubs for Sale
It has come to our attention that the following pubs are currently on the market.
Bunit & Simpson (View Listing) which has sought
offers in the region of €2.5 million.
The Belfry, Stonybatter (View Listing is also up for sale
with the price looked for being €2 million.
Anti-booze Group Slammed for Website Link
The group MEAS (Managing the Enjoyment of Alcohol in Society) have been by Fine Gael
TD Olivia Mitchell for having links on it's websites to it's members who include Guinness UDV,
Heineken Ireland, Beamish and Crawford, Irish Distillers Group and the C&C. Olivia Mitchell
claims that having links to websites like Guinness 'belies the idea that they are against you
drinking' and that 'they are putting themselves out there as if they are totally independent.
Althought it is a knee jerk reaction to blame the industry for everything they must think we
are complete fools to be telling us that their ads are about branding and not about advertising
more drink'
Chief Executive Officer of MEAS countered by saying that 'they belong to member companies of
MEAS and I don't see any conflict by having their links on that particular front.'
MEAS claim it has the power to take drinks company to task over various issues. MEAS which is
a Limited company was set up to develop programmes and strategies to reduce alcohol abuse and
aims to focus on the positive aspects of moderate drinking.
The Taioseach Calls speaks on Irelands Binge Culture and calls Ban on Shots & Alcopops
Bertie Ahern has joined the debate on the drinking culture in Ireland.
He commented, "The problem as I see it involves a particular attitude to drink
that has become widespread in our society. This attitude prioritises drinking
to get drunk and binge drinking, rather than having a few social drinks with
friends. Unfortunately, this abuse of alcohol has become a serious matter in
our society. It is the case that acute problems such as trips and falls,
alcohol poisoning and public order offences tend to occure when individuals
drink to excess on a single occasion"
He was speaking at the European Brewery Convention in Dublin yesterday. The following
facts were also outlined:
Ireland now ranks second highest in the European Alcohol consumption league table
behind Luxembourg.
Alcohol related problems are costing nearly € 2.3 billion a years.
Binge drinking is defined as five or more drinks in a row for females and seven
or more drinks in a row for males.
He also stated: ".....a much more effective and tangible demonstration of the drinks
industry commitment to tackling alcohol related harm in this country would be to
refuse to produce, import, distribute or sell shot-type drinks or sweet, fruit
based alcoholic drinks which are clearly targeted at young people....." then adding
" is not possible for the Government under EU Internal Market Rules to ban
such drinks, otherwise we would do so"
New Legislation for Drink Ads
Taoiseach Bertie Ahern indicated that ".....the Minister for Health will shortly be bringing
forward legislation to protect young people form over exposure to alcohol marketing -
including advertising, sponsorship and sales promotion.
"This will include restricting advertising of alcohol products on public transport,
in youth centres and at sporting where young people under 18 years of age are participating.
"It would also prohibit broadcasting of alcohol advertising on TV and radio before 1-pm and
in cinemas where movies are being shown for children and young people under the age of 18.
"Furthermore, it is proposed that advertisements and all promotional material for alcohol
would carry a health warning about the risks of over-consumption.
It is also proposed to prohibit low-cost selling of alochol products through sales
promotion devices including happy hours and free bars that encourage high risk drinking.
Drink the Scourge of 'Un-safe' O'Connell Street
It has been reported tbat the most famous street in Ireland is also the most dangerous
due to alcohol related crime. According to statistics, 60 people are attacked in O'Connell
Street every month - and the main reason is alcohol.
The 3 year study , undertaken by UCD's Institute of Criminology, also found that incidents
of public drunkeness and violent behaviour increased by 161& between 1996 and 2001.
Alcohol - The Big Killer
Alcohol kills twice as many people in Ireland as heroin it has been claimed. Figures show
that in the first nine months of last year, 64 people died from alcohol related illnesses
and 34 from drugs. The highest number of drink related deaths are still found in the 40-60
age group and that 30% of 15 and 16 years old binge drink at the weekend.
Guinness Stamp Banned
The government has banned An Post from showing a pint of Guinness on an historic
stamp. The stamp was to show the historic ad poster featuring a worker carrying
a steel girder with the slogan 'Guinness for Strength'. Minister for communication
Dermot Aherne said that he could not allow the stamp because of Ireland's problem
with alcohol, adding that there is now a debate about whether a pint of the black
stuff is our national symbol or is it the shamrock?
Smokers to Stay At Home
The Vintners Federation are concerned that the non-smoking ban in the pubs and
bars of Ireland will result in the drop of customers to their establishments
paving the way for job losses. They point to New York where bars have reported
a 40% loss since the introduction of a smoking ban. They say now is the time
to act on it. They propose that a proper ventilation system is an adequate
counter-measure. It is estimated that between 20% and 50% of pub patrons smoked
Compulsory ID's for Under 24's
If you're 24 and you fancy a pint, you'll have to have a compulsory photo ID.
Under 24's will not be served in pubs and bars unless they can produce a new
photographic ID which shall be introduced shortly after a review of the Intoxicating
Liquor Act. Minsiter McDowell denied that this was attempt to change the age of
drinking from 18 to 24.
Vintners Slam Happy Hour Drinking
The Vintners Federation of Ireland has slammed the practice of 'happy hours'
and cheap promotions saying they bring their service into disrepute. Speaking
at their 30th Conference, their Chief Executive slammed the practice and claimed
that licensee who encourage this practice (and as a result binge drinking) should
face challenges to the renewal of their licence. Also, critisised were some ads
for alcohol and the placement of brewery ads on college campus'. He also insisted
that the trade could not be held responsible for underage or excessive drinking.
VFI want equal status laws reviewed
The VFI want the law reviewed whereby publicans are in breach of the law if they
do not serve a drunk or violent person. Since it's introduction 100's of publicans
have been brought to court to uphold the appeal. Because of the spiralling costs
and the reputation that the public perceives as 'violent' pubs, the VFI want the
law reviewed. They also call for the urgent enactment of the law (based on the
Liquor Licenses Commision report) that gives the licensee the right to refuse
to admit or serve people who by acting in a violent or disorderly manner, pose
a risk to the health and safety of the publican, staff, or members of the public.
It has also asserted it's right to a no childrens policy after 7pm.
Taxi Fares To Increase?
An increase of 50c has been agreed by 3 out of the four local authorities for an increase in the hiring charge for taxis which is currently €2.75, but fares will not go up unless the fourth local authority, DunLaoghaire/Rathdown agrees at a meeting next month.
President Lashes Drinking Culture
President Mary McAleese has once again hit out on the 'Irish
Culture' of abusing Alcohol and Drugs. She told a conference in America
that we need to 'cease to tolerate this stupid behaviour'.
Drinking Habits Changing
Alcopops are now outselling traditional beers, this despite the fact
that in the last budget there was a substantial price increase placed
on them. It seems nowadays that we're all looking for that sugar fix
and taste. Personally I'd rather have a traditional pint but it just
goes to show the times are changing.
Ireland and the Smoking Ban
Joe Browne the president of the (VFI) Vintners Federation of Ireland
claims that the jobs of 65,000 employees will be a risk if an out right
ban is brought in. He also wants to know how to police it. Not a loan
policing it but will leave the good old Irish pubs empty with no
atmosphere. Opinion polls show that a large majority of the public is
against the ban including the VFI.
Goodbye to Planet Hollywood
The people that brought us Bad Bobs, The George, Fireworks and
Zanzibar, Capital Bars are to sell the lease of the premises after
deciding not to revamp. They want instead to focus on other projects.
Key money of 2 million Euros and 600,00 euros of the lease is been
looked for, not bad since this is significantly less then Capital bars
paid for it in 2000.