Dalkey Pub For Sale
The Queens Pub in Dalkey is up for sale at auction
and it is expected to fetch in the region of 7 million euro. A consortium has been
put together to raise the cash and it is rumoured that Eddie Irvine is one of the
Request for Longer Opening Hours
Irish nightclub industry representatives will meet the Minister
for Justice, Michael McDowell, this afternoon to request longer opening
hours for their premises. The Irish Nightclub Industry Association says
that thousands of people coming on to the streets at the same time is
the real cause of public violence.
As part of their proposals for reform of the industry, they say they
will offer a contribution to the cost of Garda overtime.
The Minister for Justice is expected to put their proposals before the
Cabinet on Wednesday
Source www.rte.ie/news
Cursing to be banned
While not strcitly related to Dublin Pubs, Wetherspoons (who will be opening here soon)
have announced plans to ban cursing from their pubs as it offends people out for lunch
with their kids.
We'dd really love to know what you's think of this one?
Crackdown on Street Drinking
South Dublin County Council have stepped up the crackdown on street drinking. Councillors
unamiously agreed to seek an increase in the fine for breaches from €63.49 to €100.
They are now looking for Justice Minister Michael McDowell to introduce the necessary
legislation for the implementation of the fine. Cllr Derek Keating wants the law vigourously
enforced by the Gardai to stop communities being terrorised by youths drinking in public.
Senator Ann Ormonde stated that the fine increase would help increase public awareness about
the alcohol ban which was introduced in 2001.
Where Your Pint Money Goes
Ever wonder why pints are so expensive in Dublin. A report out yesterday broke it down as follows
for a pint costing €3.70:
Excise Duty: 47 cent
VAT: 64 cent
Brewery 80 cent
Publican 179 cent
This means that the taxman gets 30%, roughly 20% goes to the brewery which means the publican
gets almost half this. Is it worth it?
Drink Consumption Drops
Perhaps somewhat related to the high cost of drink while on the town, it has been reported that
Stout consumption fell by 3% last year while lager consumption fell by 6% in pubs. Off-licences
have reason to be happy however, as a fifth of all lager sales now come through off-licenses
which suggests that more and more people are heading to the offie rather than the pub. Has this
anything to do with the excessive prices - only time will tell.
Revised Liquor Licensing Act
In order to curb binge drinking, underage drinking, people being drunken and disorderly -
commonly known as Ireland's Drinking problem, the government,
in it's wisdom, has decided that the following should be implemented to stop it:
- Closing time on Thursday nights brought back from 12.30am to 11.30pm.
- Under 18's to leave pubs by 8.00.
- Under-21's having to prove their age before being served.
- Increased penalties for pubs owners who sell drinks to someone who is drunk.
- Music will not be allowed during the 30 minute drink up time.
- Stop Publicans from allowing 'drunkenness in the bar of licensed premises.
- Drunks who try to enter pubs after being thrown out can be fined €500
- Gardai to be given new powers to go into pubs without warrants.
- Teenages with false ID could be fined up to €500.
- Those caught selling drink to minors face big fines and could lose their license.
- A wider use of temporary closure orders.
Publicans have welcomed the new legislation and a spokesman for the Vintners Federation of
Ireland said, "We are pleased the Minister supports our call for a mandatory ID system to
help curb underage drinking. We also welcome the ban of practices likely to lead to binge