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30 July 2003
Jail Threat to Pubs over Smoking Ban
Michael Martin warned today that publicans could be jailed if they fail to stop smoking in their premises next year. He insisted that landlords comply with the new regulations to be introduced on January 1st, 2004. Anyone who does not comply faces fines of up to €1900, three months imprisonment or both.
Opinion polls show that 70% of the population are in support of the smoking ban with Mr. Martin stating that even hard-core smokers are not objecting as they feel it will help them.

29 July 2003
Beer Sales Dropping
Sales for the last year in the Beer Trade have dropped by over 3.9% according to new reports with leading breweries very worried about these drops. With the industry hit by reports of binge drinking and severe competition, there does not seem to be much they can about it. No-one knows why the sales have dropped to such an extent but it has been noted that wine and alcopop sales are on the increase. Perhaps, also, is the fact that people are more wary of the price of a pint these days and drinking less as a result. Some say that this downturn in drinking beer and stout will continue for the next few years causing many headaches.
The party that Ireland had for the past decade seems to be over.

22 July 2003
65,000 Jobs Up in Smoke?
The Irish Hospitality Industry Alliance claim that up to 65,000 jobs could be lost if the Government press ahead with the smoking ban. They said business in New York has been cut by 30% since the introduction over there last April. They are also calling on Micheal Martin (The Health Minister) to meet them in order to thrash out a compromise. Alliance spokesman Finbar Murphy said that there all alternatives that they would sign up to including better ventilation and no-smoking areas. He also said that a study at the Oak Ridge Laboratory found it possible to cut smoke levels through proper venitlation to the same as those in premises where smoking was barred. They say that Micheal Martin has not been convinced by these findings and while he will meet the Alliance in September (after a request issued in May), they feel that it's too late to do anything about it as all the new directives will be in place and decision will be made. The ban is inevitable, he said.

17 July 2003
Drinks for GAA Fans at Croker
Ordinary GAA fans will soon be able to enjoy a pint while watching their team play at Croke Park as it has been handed a pub licence for a limited timeframe on match days according to Junior Minister Willie O'Dea. Drink can be served for the duration of the game and for an hour afterwards. Croke Park will be the first national sporting arena (in Ireland) to get the benefits of the new licensing laws which only needs to be signed into law by President Mary McAleese.

12 July 2003
DJs Concerns About New Licensing Laws
A number of Dublin DJ's are concerned about the new licensing laws which sees music to be banned at last orders and the curb on nightclub opening hours. The governments plans to restrict opening hours by the end of summer could spell disaster for the nightclub and DJ industry. Mark Kavanagh a popular Dublin DJ claimed over the weekend that the restrictions are punishing people who just want to dance and as a result it will be killing entertainment. He ventured the opinion that people will no longer go to nightclubs as there would be no point in paying €12 for an hours dancing - should the clubs be closing at 1.30, people just won't bother after leaving a pub at 12.

10 July 2003
Pubs Keep Late Extension
Gardai's first attempt to bring in earlier pub closing time in Dublin failed yesterday. Dublin District Court Judge Timothy Lucey turned down an application by Terenure Gardai to limit late bar extensions on two pubs in it's district to 1.30am from 2.30am.

Council Bill Ends Outdoor Drinking
Nash's Pub on Patrick Street will no longer be providing tables and seats outside it's pub for it's punters because of the fact that 'out of the blue' Dublin Council increased the license fee from €150 last year to €1615 this year. Landlord Patrick Nash refused to pay this exorbitant fee and as a result his three tables and nine chairs have been confiscated and he was been fined €200 for their return. Dublin City Council gave no explanation for the fee hike which cost only €40 in 2000. The official charge now is €125 per table plus €170 per square metre of pavement occupied.

Name and Shame Pubs & Shops Who are Ripping Public off
Fine Gaels Richard Bruton wants a 'name and shame' policy on pubs, hotels and shops who are adding up to 95% markup on their products. He wants to show what they were charging last year compared to this year. It is claimed that the highest markups are made by bars who charge consumers almost 95% more than the drinks cost them.
Publicans however, have accused Fine Gael of using headline grabbing and the use of very pejorative statements. Vintners Federation chief executive Tadhg O'Sullivan said 60% of increases being passed on to consumers came from government by way of taxes and added that Irish publicans pay four and ten times the level of taxation in the EU.
It is estimated that the cost of these markups costs the average household up to €1000 a year.

Do you know what you're Drinking
Followin a conviction for a publican last week who was selling watered down vodka, reports today say that a small number of publicans have made life difficult. The publican who was convicted was fined €1400 and is facing a lifetime ban from owning a pub licence. As a result of the report the Food Safety Authority issued an alert about bootleg spirits.
The VFI in a simply worded statement said they do discourage this practice, that they do condemn it, that they do disavow publicans who are convicted and they do feel a duty to help protect consumers.

No Cabinet Rift on Smoking Ban
Health Minister Micheal Martin denied that there is a rift in cabinet about the Smoking Ban stating that the Agriculture Minister Joe Walsh was merely reflecting the views of publicans in his constituency.
We mentioned yesterday that Mr.Walsh had warned that a ban on smoking would lead to job losses.

9 July 2003
Smoking Ban on Course
Despite opposition from Cabinet Colleagues, smoking is still to be banned by Health Minister Micheal Martin from the start of next year. Agirculture Minister Joe Walsh has indicated that he is not in favour of the all out ban on smoking in pubs and restaurants suggesting that he had talked to people in the drinks industry who are warning of job losses in the seector should the ban be introduced.
Reports indicate that there is deep disquiet in the party about the proposal and a strong war will be waged by publicans and the drinks industry against the introduction.
The Irish Heart Foundation however, fully support the initiatvive with it's Chief Executive, Michael Walsh saying the ban was vitally important and that 'we tried comprimise with smoking in restaurants and this utterly failed. Separate smoking areas will not work and ventilation systems have been totally discredited. He also said that Minister Walsh should realise that passive smoking is now established as a grade one cancer-causing carcinogen.

New Lord Mayor for Dublin
Although not (strictly) pub-related news, Dublin got it's 327th Lord Mayor today. Royston Brady (Fianna Fail) donned the chains of office. Mr.Brady said he would actively try to promote Dublin as a major tourist destination during his time in office.

8 July 2003
Pubs Bertie's Opened
It was revealed over the weekend that contrary to popular opinion, Bertie Ahern has in fact only opened 13 pubs in the past five years according to official statistics. Of these 13 pubs, 12 were in Dublin and 5 were in his own constituency of Dublin Central. He had been criticised in the pub for this practice of opening pubs while being part of a drive to stamp out alcohol abuse.
The 13 pubs in question:
The Portobello, South Richmond Road, Dublin 6 - 24/6/98
The Carpenter, Carpenterstown, Co.Dublin - 5/5/99
Coffeys Pub, Main Street, Newbridge, Co.Kildare - 27/5/99
Refurbished Doheny & Nesbitts, Lr. Baggot Street, Dublin 2 - 28/9/99
Russell Court Cafe Bar, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2 - 24/11/99
Cumiskeys, Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7 - ??/5/00
The Ivy House, Drumcondra, Dublin - 11/12/00
The Sea Bank House Tavern, East Wall, Dublin - 19/6/01
The Halfway House, Navan Road, Dublin - 21/11/01
The Bank Bar & Bistro, Milltown, Dublin - 12/12/01
The Big Tree, Dorset Street, Dublin - 17/12/01
Public Bar @ The Shieling Hotel, Raheny, Dublin - 24/1/02
The Vaults, IFSC, Dublin 1 - 2/7/02

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