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Pub News - January 2003
31 January 2003
Smoking to be Banned
Smoking in Pubs is set to be banned under new regulations coming into play next year.
This is as a result of Smoking be banned in the workplace - including pubs, restaurants and trains - from January 1st 2004.
The Vintners Association say a total ban would be unworkable and that better ventilation would be a solution but Minister for Health says a partial ban would also be equally unworkable
So it looks like that if you smoke, you'll have to invest in a warm jacket and head outdoors as you eye up your pint at the bar.
Welcome to Dublin, the new LA (without the weather).

9 January 2003
Hangover Cure Invented
An Irish company have claimed to have invented the world's first hangover cure in a pill. Great, you're thinking, however there are some rules to it's working.
It doesn't work if you've had over five pints.
Now to us that seems a bit pointless as most hangovers don't occur if you have supped five pints and does it work with spirits so we ask what's the point in claiming to have invented a hangover cure when you haven't. Back to the drawing board boys.

3 January 2003
More Money In Pubs
Plans are in place for ATM's to start appearing in pubs all over Ireland. The first pub to have one is McSorleys Pub in Killarney.
At present the publican will have to pay for each transaction, so there could be reprucussions for the user in that your withdrawal charge may be slightly higher than usual.
As usual, there has been people begrudging this latest idea even though it has worked in the US, England and Australia for years. These people are saying that it will encourage more drinking as you will not have to go far to get money.
I think it will save you walking in the rain to get money to get a taxi to go home as well as giving you more money to buy 'new' friends drinks should you run out.
It would also be relatively safer to go into a crowded place to get money out rather than on a side street especially at night so in a way it's safer also.

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