New ID laws for drinkers
Apparently, in an effort to stamp out underage drinking all people
aged between 18 and 25 will have to carry ID cards to prove their
age if they want to be served. This plan has been formed by Minister
for Justice Michael McDowell in an effort to crub under-age drinking
in Ireland.
Extended Pub Open Hours?
Minister McDowell has also announced plans for variable pub opening
hours which mean that they could stay open longer. This is an effort
to curb the amount of 'drunk' people congregating at one time and
thus increasing the chance of violence. Powers would be given to
local councils to approve opening and closing hours.
He has also wanred that as a nation we have a drink problem
and that this costs the health service €2.3 billion a year.
Lots of groups have spoke out against this law saying its ridiculous to
extend opening hours as it will only lead to more crime and senseless violence.
€ 2 Pints!
JD Wetherspoons, a British based pub chain have set their sights
on Ireland which could result in €2 pints in their establishments.
They have recently bought a venue on Capel Street in Dublin and
plan a new €3 million pub. It is expected to be open this summer.
All of their pubs in England are music-free and offer non-smoking
sections, we shall watch on with great interest.
Ashes in Pub
Patrick Gaffney was a bar-owner in New York who always wanted to
visit Ireland and especially go to Johnie Fox's Pub. However he
passed away before fulfilling his dream. Therefore, his friends
brought his ashes instead. The pub has built a small shrine in
the pub (after checking the legality of the situation) and there
his ashes rest.
The pub has since received three requests from regulars for their
ashes to be kept in the pub after their closing time.
(What a stupid pun! I'm sorry)

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