Barclay Club Closed for Good (Sorry Lads)
Judge Bryan McMahon has closed the Doors to a Dublin Lap-Dancing Club
yoday. He threw out an appeal to grant the club a music and dance license.
As part of the Public Dancing Act, Members of the Public need to be
facilitated and encouraged to dance, this was not so in this Club and
the Jude claimed that the Management had no control over the Girls,
which would dance for the Public. So lads the next time your sitting on
your hands in a Lap Dancing Club, get up and have a Dance, they
shouldn’t throw you out as the license allows you to dance. Good Luck.
Dublin Pub up for Auction
The Anglers Rest (Pub Details)
is up for Grabs this Tuesday at a John P Younge
Auction and is going for a Tidy sum of 3m to 3.5m Euros. The Anglers
can be found in one of the most beautiful parts of Dublin the
Strawberry beds and just down the road from the Phoenix Park. The sale
includes a 70 sq m restaurant.
Drinking Increases Chances of Dying Young
Yes, you've read it right. Drinking six beers in a night increases
your chances of dying young although this level of drinking
has to be sustained over a 10-year period. The main causes of death
from drinking are liver failure and heart disease.
Fine Gaels 10-Point Plan
Fine Gael, the main opposition party have called for the following measures
to curb alcohol abuse and binges in Ireland:
- A Ban on all Alcohol Advertising
- A Ban on Superpubs
- Gardai to clamp down on alcohol abuse by young people
- CCTV camera placed inside and outside nightclubs
- Increased penalities for premises serving alcohol to under-aged people
- A return to the 11.30 last orders.
- A reduction in the blood/alcohol limit for drink drivers and a zero alcohol limit for other.
President urges: 'Wise Up'
Mary McAlees has urged the Irish to Wise Up in our 'unhealthy attitude' towards drinking.
She made the comments as she opened a facility for young drug addicts and alcoholics.
Garda Commissioner Blames Booze for Violence
The Garda Commissioner branded Alcohol 'the single most aggrevating ingredient' behind violent
street crime. He also said that 'Repsonsibility must be recognised and shouldered by all sections
of society who have involvement in this issue.
African Guinness
Guinness have plans to brew 'African' Guinness in Ireland due to
the increase in the number of Africans residing in Ireland. The
'African' Guinness has a sweeter taste and is stronger. It has only
ever been brewed in Nigeria and if it is to be brewed in Dublin
it will be the first time it has been brewed elsewhere.
Top of the Pubs
68 bars in 22 counties in Ireland have qualified for the Irish
Pubs of Distinction in a competition run by the Vintners Federation
of Ireland which was developed to promote Irish pubs at home and
abroad. The competition was used to promote the pub experiences.
Irish Second in After Work Drink Poll
A new study has found that 40% of Irish people go for a pint with
their work colleagues at least once every few weeks, 20% go once a
week and a startling 10% go several nights a week. 32% never go for
a drink over work. Only the British go for more drinks after work.
McDowell to Crackdown on Binge Drinking
Further measures are to be introduced to crackdown on binge drinking
following the inquest into the death of a 15-year old youth in Donegal.
It was found that alcohol was a factor in the drowning of the youth.
Minister McDowell said new laws will make it compulsory for ID to be
shown when young people are buying alcohol. He makes no apologies
for the new measures saying it will help stop alcohol ruining lives.
Pub Opening Hours to be Cut
The Commission on Liquor Licensing delivered it's hard hitting report on
drink culture in Ireland yesterday and recommended 130 proposals to combat
the booze culture. Proposals include:
- Return to 11.30 closing on Thursdays.
- People Under 18 banned from all pubs after 7pm.
- Entertainment banned at drink up time
- Supermarkets and Off-Licenses be allowed to sell alochol on Sunday morning.
- The law that allows drunkeness as a viable defence in public order cases be scrapped
- More café-style bars where people are less likely to binge drink.
Top of the Alco-Pops
Irish drinkers spend more on Alco-pops than any other country and last year the Irish spent
€250 million euro on them which works at €64 a head.