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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act 2003
In relation to General Public
Note: This is dublinpubscene.com's interpretation of the laws and should not be used as legal reference.

1. Supply to Drunken Persons
2. Access to Licensed Premises
3. Disorderly Conduct
4. Alcohol & Under 18's
5. Age Restrictions
6. I.D. Obligations
7. Off-Sales Obligations
8. Discrimination Cases
9. Garda Powers

1. Supply to Drunken Person
A person is not allowed to buy or supply alcohol to a drunken person in a licensed premises or in any public place.
Should you be found guilty of this offence, you can be fined a maximum of:
First Offence € 1500 - Second Offence € 2000

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2. Access to Licensed Premises
A drunken person,
(a) should leave a licensed premises when requested by the licensee or a Garda.
(b) shall not seek entry to a licensed premises.
Should you be found guilty of this offence, you can be fined a maximum of:
First Offence € 300 - Second Offence € 500
Note: A member of the Garda may arrest you without warrant if he suspects you of being guilty of this offence.

Definition: Drunken Person
Means a person who is intoxicated to such an extent as would give rise to a reasonable apprehension that the person might endanger himself or herself or any other person and drunk and drunkeness construed accordingly.

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3. Disorderly Conduct
A person shall not engage in disorderly conduct in a licensed premises.
A person who engages in disorderly conduct should,
(a) Leave the licensed premises when requested to do so by the licensee or a Garda
(b) Not re-enter the licensed premises within a period of 24 hours.
Should you be found guilty of this offence, you can be fined a maximum of:
First Offence € 300 - Second Offence € 500
Note (i): A member of the Garda may arrest you without warrant if he suspects you of being guilty of this offence.
Note: (ii) If you are found guilty of this offence you may be refused to entry to any licensed premises.

Definition: Disorderly Conduct
Means any unreasonable behaviour by a person on licensed premises which, having regard to all the circumstances is likely to cause injury, fear or distress to any other person on the premises and includes but is not limited to:
(a) Violent, threatening, abusive, quarrelsome or insulting behaviour.
(b) Conduct causing damage to property
(c) Conduct constituting an offence under the firearms act
(d) Any breach of the fire services act.
(e) Conduct likely to constitute a risk to the health, safety or welfare of any person.

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4. Alcohol & Under 18's
A person may not:
(a) buy alcohol for a person under the age of 18.
(b) Deliver alcohol to a person under the age of 18
A person may not send a person under the age of 18 to purchase alcohol for them.
Should you be found guilty of this offence, you can be fined a maximum of:
First Offence € 1500 - Second Offence € 2000
Note: It shall not be unlawful to provide alcohol to a person under 18 in a private residence with the consent of their parents or guardians.

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5. Restrictions for Under 18's
A licensee shall not allow a person under 18 into their bar (i): Unless the person is accompanied by his/her parent or guardian on the licensed premises between 10.30am (12.30pm on Sunday) and 9pm.
(ii): The licensed premises may still refuse admission to the person under 18 if the person's health, safety and welfare is at risk.
(iii): It shall not be unlawful for a licensed premises to allow a person who aged at least 15 but under 18 into the bar between 10.30am (12.30pm on Sunday) and 9pm.
(iv): It shall not be unlawful for a licensed premises to allow a person under 18 into the bar after 9pm if the person is at a private function once the function serves a meal.
Note: This does not apply to persons under 18 who:
(a) is the son or daughter of the licensee
(b) resides in the licensed premises
(c) is passing through the bar
(d) is employed by the licensed premises
Should you be found guilty of this offence, you can be fined a maximum of:
First offence: € 300 - Second Offence: € 500

(i) You are at a private function
(ii) The parent or guardian has not given consent

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6. ID Obligations A person aged between 18 and 21 must produce ID if in a licensed premises between 9pm and closing.
Note: A valid ID is
(a) A passport
(b) An ID card issued by a member state of the EC
(c) Driving License
(d) A Government ID card
Should you be found guilty of this offence, you can be fined a maximum of:
€ 300

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7. Off-Sales Obligations
It is not allowed for a person who buys alcohol in an enclosed container from a licensed premises (for consumption off the premises) to consume it within the premises or within 100 metres of the premises.
Should you be found guilty of this offence, you can be fined a maximum of:
€ 300

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8. Discrimination Cases
Discrimination cases will now be brought to the District Court.
Should the licensed premises be found guilty of this offence, the licensed premises may be temporarily closed and the person who brings the case may object to the renewal of the license.

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9. Gardai Powers
Any member of the Gardai, whether in uniform or not, may enter without a warrant, any licensed premises at any time, and there make such inspection, examination, observation and enquiry as he/she may think proper for the prevention of offences under this act.

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Liquor Licensing Act