Remove a hand full of change from his left pants pocket. He extends the handful of change , along with a black marker , he then tells the spectator to choose a coin , mark it with an X and return it to the magicians left palm.
Then take the coin with his right hand , and return the rest of the change to your left pocket.
Place the coin against the leg directly below the pocket. The coin is then rubbed into the cloth , whereupon the coin vanishes . It is found back inside the pocket with the rest of the change .
After the spectator marks the coin , the right hand "pretends" to take it. In reality the right hand is covering it up with another coin. Hold your hand in the air as if you have the coin.
Hesitate for a second with your left hand so that the spectator can see that the marked coin is not in your left hand anymore (this way the spectator mentally concludes that the marked coin must be in your right hand). Place the rest of the change back into your pocket.
Take the right hand and its supposed coin and place it against your leg, in the area of the left pocket.
Now rub the imaginary coin into your leg. then slowly part your right fingers to show that the coin has vanished. reach into your left pocket and pull out the change, ask the person what kind of coin they chose. they might say a quarter.
Then go through the change and find the marked coin and put it on top and show the spectators.
