Works best with drunks! First, find a drunk. Not very hard to do in a bar. Second, without them seeing you, dip your index finger in an ashtray so that some ash remains on the tip. Light a cigarette and ask the drunk to face you.
Tell him to extend both hands. Usually they will do it palms up but either way grab both of their hands as if positioning them. This is when you wipe your index finger on their palm. A light touch is enough to make the ash stick.
Next, tell them to watch you very closely . Make a loose fist and with your cigarette and tap an ash into it. Tell the drunk to do everything you do.
Hit your fists together...tap his fist with yours, tap one of your fists on top of the other...anything crazy. It is all for show and only serves to distract him.
Hold your closed fists out and ask him which hand the ash is in. When he points to your hand, say nothing but point at his. He'll be floored that the ash magically moved to his hand!
