Black Beard the infamous pirate and his crew came to port. They went
on shore leave in a bar near the docks.
While he was serving drinks, the barman got talking to the pirate.
"Where'd you get that peg leg from?"
"Well, Oi was thrown from me ship during gale force winds, and before
me mate could throw me a line, this big ol' shark came along and bit
me leg clean orf. Har."
Later the barman asked, "And where'd you get that hook, then?"
"Ah, me crew and I were fighting our way through to the treasury and
me arm got cut through the bone in a sword fight with the Captain of
the Guard."
Then the barman asked, "And where'd you get the eye patch from?"
"Har," the pirate said, "I was out on deck one day and a gull flew
over and crapped in me eye."
The barman was puzzled. "How would a gull crapping in your eye make
you wear an eye patch?",
"First day with the hook, har har.
