A tangy fruity drink that can pain or delight in equal measure, it
became very popular at the turn of last century.
The naming of it can be traced to three sepaate events. One after a French
General who has a rose named after him - Jacqueminot - and this is
the colour of the drink according to Albert S. Crockett, author of the
1934 Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar.
Another theory on the name is that it is named after a Colts Neck bartender
whose name was Jack, and the drink was a reddish pink color, like a rose.
Hence, the name.
Finally, there was a shady character in New York in the early 1800's
named Jack Rose who loved applejack and because of him the drink is called
Jack Rose.
Whichever you believe, it's a nice drink but make sure it's made with Applejack
as anything else is treason!
1/2 ounce of Applejack
An ounce lime juice (or 1/2 an ounce lemon juice),
Followed by half an ounce grenadine
dublinpubscene accept no responsibility for your cocktail making or
drinking abilities.
