This drink was first mixed up in 1732 at the State in Schuylkill Fishing Club in Philadelphia and it is reckoned that it was always served to kick off their meetings.
It is a great drink to warm you up and cold winters days and while the preparation is
a bit time consuming - it is well worth the wait.
It woudn't be the most popular bar drink and anyone who does make it usually makes it
for themselves at home and if they do, they'll tell you all about it.
Dark Rum,
Peach brandy,
After dissolving 3/4 pound of superfine sugar in a little water, we add 24 ounces of lemon juice and almost 40 ounces of water. We give the mix a good stir and chill it for several hours. Dump the brew into a sizable bowl and throw in 36 ounces dark rum and 25 ounces cognac, followed by a tempering 4 ounces of peach brandy.
dublinpubscene accept no responsibility for your cocktail making or
drinking abilities.
